
Meghan Moe Beitiks
Posts Tagged ‘meghan moe beitiks’

A Lab for Apologies and Forgiveness v.1 (2012)


An  installation at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago Sullivan Galleries, part of the 2012/3  “New Works” show.  Curated by Laura Caroline de Lara, Ann Meisinger, Gibran Villalobos and others. Included several video “Case Studies” embedded below, microbial fuel cells with soil from various sites, and a lab book for visitors to  write their own apologies or forgivings, or experiences with such. 

Case Studies in Apologies and Bacterial Landscapes

An Apology to NATO ISAF Commander General John Allen (2012)

The NATO summit in Chicago is happening right now. Back in February, NATO ISAF Commander General John Allen apologized for the ignorant actions of his coalition soldiers. So I apologize for my own ignorance. And emailed this video to the ISAF.

An Apology to Alan Greenspan (2012)

This was my contribution to Low Lives: Occupy! on March 3, 2012. Alan Greenspan admitted the flaws in his philosophy. So I apologize for demonizing him.













I’m in Yosemite (working. seriously).

This is my second year as Lighting Technician for the Bracebridge Dinner at the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite. It’s a great gig, for a number of reasons: the scenery, the free food, the fact that the TD actually listens to my design suggestions (two new specials this year!). In between shifts in the scissor lift, I’m finishing up my COP16 coverage and preparing for SFSketchfest. I’ve also been watching the videos from Green Stage Scratch Night. It looks like it was a great production, with a lot of work done in very limited time. Unfortunately their camerawoman got caught in a subway strike and it had to be filmed on an iphone. Took me ten minutes for me to get the courage to watch it. Definitely a learning experience, made some necessary edits clear. In the meantime, I’m waving hello to the deer.

Yielding Air (2010)

The other day I ran a yellow light, and it was mildly harrowing. So I decided to do it again, full-force jogging style, with an English Ivy. We would languidly dodge traffic while making carbon dioxide and oxygen together. I think the Ivy might have been working harder, as it was removing toxins and airborne feces as well. I ran around the intersection at 12th and Broadway in downtown Oakland for about a half-hour, preceded by a 15-minute stretch on the corner. Everyone always thinks I’m selling plants, even when it’s obvious I’m suited up to go jogging with them. In this video, a plaza security guard is chatting with Sarah Cross, who is filming.

video and photos: Sarah Cross Photography

Free Air at the Federal Reserve Bank

I built a briefcase that spews ivy and oxygen. Then I stood in front of the Federal Reserve Bank for an hour with it. One Italian tourist asked me if I was selling anything. Then he asked for references to yoga and mediation studios. The bank security guard asked me if everything was okay. I said “Yeah.” Lots of folks glanced in passing. One man got into a discussion with me on BART about global warming. I drank some $2 sustainable coffee while dispensing Free Air.

photos: Sarah Cross Photography

Free Air at Eagle Gas Station

The other day I brought by houseplants to the gas station near my house in East Oakland, CA. We sat giving out Free Air for 45 minutes. Some folks thought the plants were for sale. Some folks wondered what it was, and relaxed upon hearing it was an art installation. The plants were mostly Pothos and English Ivy, which are known to remove toxins from the air (while turning CO2 into oxygen). We had some nice chats and inquisitive looks, then packed up and went home. This has only a little to do with the fact that the station does not have an air pump.

photos: Sarah Cross Photography

Pathos/Pothos (2010)

Today I sat on the street with a cardboard sign and a plant. The sign said: “PLEASE HELP my plant remove toxins and pollutants from the air. DONATIONS of CO2 much appreciated. He’s a Pothos. I call him Fred. Exhalations = Awesome. No cash accepted.”

Over the course of 3 hours, 22 people stopped to read the sign or talk to me. As thanks, I handed them a flier with a friendly list of other plants that clean the air. Three people offered me money, one guy tried to give me a granola bar, all of which I politely declined. This was all part of the Conflux Festival in NYC. While I was sitting on my rear, there were workshops, panels, performances and hikes happening all over the East Village

The Grand Total of Reaction to Pathos/Pothos is below: Everything from joy to pornographic remarks.
