Artist Statement.

My work investigates uncomfortable edges. Context shapes its materiality. Through performances, installations, videos and other forms, I respond to site, people, and research.
Connection, as an idea, is essential and flawed. Though inherent and ubiquitous, it suggests understanding where there may not be any. I sit with this lack of understanding, this trouble, and tug at it with earnest knowledge and embodied gestures. The most urgent edges for me are between the human and the non-human, the emotional and the material, the descriptive and the embodied, my positionality and its limits. I hope, perpetually, to articulate connection, despite the impossibility of total and mutual understanding between entities.
The people and entities in the map below have had a significant and lasting impact on my practice and way of thinking, both conscious and unconscious. This graph is continually updated. Robin Deacon deserves special mention as someone whose pedagogy and performance practice have had a profound impact on how I approach my own work.